
Text mining workflows designed to simplify code. Ostensibly created for students who are beginners to R, it’s also something I use in my own work, too. Favorite details are highlighted in a blog post.
Quarto, Quickly
Quick showcase of some of the functionality of Quarto, including file formats, code, multiple languages, and other refinements.
An R package providing structural scaffolding between the excellent stylo and ggplot2 packages, preparing stylometric frequency data from the former to be visualized using the latter. Further details are available in a blog post.
Word Vector Utilities
R functions and code for working with Ben Schmidt’s indispensible wordVectors package to create models with reasonable defaults and using ggplot2 to explore the results. Code is documented in first and second blog posts.
Open-source MLA style files for humanities users of LaTeX. First release in fall 2007; latest release June 2021. (Development versions available on GitHub. Legacy versions available on
19th- and 20th-Century Titles
A dataset of titles, years, and national origins for 13,334 novels. Data from Wikipedia. Last updated May 2019.
Simple interface in R to automate collecting online texts, preparing them, topic modelling them, and visualizing results. Begun July 2016; released November 2016.
Les indes galantes (The Gallant Indies)
939 KB; PDF
A translation into English of the prologue, first, second, and fourth acts of Louis Fuzelier’s 1735 French libretto to Jean-Philippe Rameau’s opera. Translated to use as source material in the classroom in fall 2011. First act added in fall 2013.
Digital Strunk
A remixed, reimagined, collaborative video edition of William Strunk’s 1918 text The Elements of Style. Created with students in my Freshman Composition 1 class in spring 2015.
Comey’s Testimony to Congress
Fully marked up TEI XML version of James Comey’s testimony on 8 June 2017, powered by TEIBP and JavaScript, with fun extra visualizations. Made during the Digital Humanities Summer Institute in Victoria, June 2017.
Prologue, Les indes galantes
TEI-encoded version of the prologue of my translation, with extra functionality made available using JavaScript and CSS. Made during the Digital Humanities Summer Institute in Victoria, June 2017
Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours, by Patrick Syme (in progress)
TEI-encoded version of Syme’s 1821 edition of Werner’s useful guide to color. This effort is not yet finished.
Lawrence Durrell Online Critical Bibliography
2,364 items in 06/12; communally updated
A Zotero database of the Critical Bibliography of the International Lawrence Durrell Society. Expanded upon the previous version of the bibliography maintained by James Gifford. First published in this format in spring 2012.